
Dr Kinnar Kapadia

I was using the regular rotatory motor but had difficulty in some cases during extraction, especially the ones in which the attachment of the hairs was very firm in the deep dermis. After I started using the Trivelline device, I have been getting very good graft quality. The transections have reduced compared to other motors. Even in cases where there was thicker attachment, there is very good graft extraction.

There is overall improvement in the quality of grafts and an increase in the quantity of grafts and hairs as there is less transection. This ensures that the results of my hair transplants are also improved.

The device has been very thoughtfully made. I really appreciate the hard work put into making this device.

Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong

I have been using Trivellini machine and punches since they launched the product.

My patients are from around the world, Caucasians, Asians, Afro Americans, they vary in hair characteristics , Trivellini has multiphase parameters that you can adjust to extract the best grafts from each patient. It’s fast and have good quality of grafts.

I’m very happy with the Trivellini product, currently, I have 3 machines, I really recommend for anyone that is looking for FUE device.

You can’t go wrong with Trivellini system!

Dr. Arthur Tykocinski

FUE Is an incredible technique for hair transplant, but can be very demanding and time-consuming. The big challenge is to become faster while maintaining the quality.

Now I have been using the nano system for the last 4 years. It is amazing how it changed my work. My extraction speed moves from 700 extraction per hour to 1.200-1.500 per hour. Now my sessions ranges from 2500 to 3000 follicular units, and I can accomplish this task usually in 2h to 2h 40’.

Except in hard cases that my speed drops to 1000 extractions per hour. Not only fast, but also my transection rate moves from previously 5 to 7% to now 2 to 4%, usually 2.5%. The results are also very consistent and predictable. As a side note, I would like to comment the role of suction, that helps to clean the field and stabilize the grafts for a clean and fast cut.

Looking for the new advances in the system!

Dr. Rene Rodriguez

My experience has been too good. It has exceeded my expectations. I think the machine is unparalleled. It is very versatile and can be parameterized according to each case.

The difficult cases became less difficult. The punches have the correct diameter measurement.

This is of vital importance in order to treat the donor area properly and leave the scars very little visible.

I completely recommend all its technology!


Dr. Alan Bauman

In my practice, my team and I have performed over 13,000 hair transplants, with over 10,000 FUE procedures since 1999. Trivellini has been our go-to FUE device for years. We performed our first FUE procedure in 1999 using large bore needles and then 1mm biopsy punches and other manual tools, then mechanical/rotational devices starting in 2007 and we abandoned strip harvesting completely in 2013.

Over that time, we’ve used dozens of different devices from Mindex to rotocore, and neograft, smartgraft, ARTAS, and many others. Trivellini’s simplicity of touch-screen use and flexibility in programming rotational/oscillational features, punch sizes/shapes, in addition to its ergonomic feel has enabled us to accurately and efficiently harvest FUE grafts from the scalp, beard and body, including long hair (non-shaved) extractions.

From simple cases to the most challenging, Trivellini works! (That’s why we have one in EVERY operation room!) In addition, the service and support has been exceptionally good over the years. I highly recommend Trivellini to any surgeon, novice to advanced.

We look forward to continued advancements in the instrument and hope to be amongst the first to try any new hardware or software. 

Dr. William Rassman

Dr. Jae Pak and I have both had the opportunity to use the Trivellini FUE System. It can adjust to the unique conditions of each individual patient while allowing the surgeon to have control of the many variables that are encountered by each challenging patient. 

The system has both rotation and oscillation modes making it ideal for each surgeon´s needs. Its unique ”Dull” punch does not require sharpening on the flange edges unlike othersimilar punches.

Trivellini System is equipped with a novel system called ¨Smart React¨ that senses the punch touching the skin. That makes the user independent of the pedal and makes procedure more efficient. The versatility of the Trivellini System allows it t be an ideal replacement for many other types of hair restoration systems that have been used in the past.

Trivellini Tech has been very active in the field of hair restoration with many novel ideas in the last few years. I am sure they will continue to push the field of hair restoration forward their out-of-the-box thinking.

”Dr. Jae Pak and I endorse the Trivellini System for all FUE users who want to enjoy speed and agility in managing the FUE process”

Learn how the Trivellini System has changed Dr. Conradin von Albertini's office
Dr. Conradin von Albertini

Performing FUE procedures using motorized devices, preferably with sharp punches, is my passion. I started offering this technique in 2010. Since 2012 I have been fully specializing in large one-day FUE procedures and this requires me to always hunt for the best device on the market.

I discovered the Trivellini System two years ago. It was all I wished for. The quality of the grafts is brilliant, even with small punches. I can go sharp and, most importantly, I can go faster than with any other device. Last, but not least, I am less fatigued because Trivellini’s light and suction-assisted hand piece lets me excise the grafts without the need to have skin traction.

Every morning, when I adapt the many parameters for my patient, the Trivellini System gives me a good feeling. I admire Roberto Trivellini’s innovative mind and I appreciate his personal support as well as the dedicated service of his team.

As a result, the Trivellini System helps me do greater FUE cases than ever with less fatigue … and a larger smile on my face!

Dr. Maria Schambach gives a Trivellini Testiominal
Dr. Maria Schambach

My procedure time is now reduced by half. BY HALF! Since I started using Trivellini System, my extraction time is reduced by half and I get beautiful grafts every time. I know that I can probably harvest good grafts with other systems, but some cases are really challenging. It is more consistent with Trivellini and it is almost certain that you can harvest healthy grafts every time. It also is not a big effort to get the grafts. This is wonderful because now I am getting more grafts out in less time. I’m not tired and the patient is happy. This makes Trivellini System the clear choice.

FUE hair transplant is very individual and the quality may vary from patient to patient. With normal skin and optimum hair characteristics, any system works. An experienced hair transplant surgeon can harvest good grafts most of the time. However, that is not always the case. At times FUE graft extraction becomes a daunting task due to the change in the curvature, thickness, angle and other variables. Trivellini System makes graft extraction in these difficult cases effortless. I used to use several devices when I had a challenging procedure to improve my qualities. I had to switch between motorized and manual and I had to use different punch types and sizes to improve the quality of grafts. Now with Trivellini System, a simple change in the parameters does it for me. I can easily alter the setting of the machine in order to get quality grafts every single time.

Learn how the Trivellini System has changed Dr. Tony Ruston's office
Dr. Tony Ruston

I have been doing FUE since 2009 and today the technique represents 97% of our practice. Throughout these years we have acquired and tested many motorized devices for extracting follicular units from the most basic to the most complex. We have worked with nearly every device available in the market and I can guarantee that today Trivellini is one of the best, if not the best, most advanced and most sophisticated extracting instruments that exists.

With the ability to alternate and add modes: rotation, oscillation and mamba that permits its users who are beginning the FUE technique to extract more easily, with a lower rate of transection and excellent Follicular Unit quality. As users become more advanced in the technique and their own ability, they can reduce reaction and engagement time by time of the smart reaction, which permits extraction at incredible speed.

In sum, it is an instrument that was developed after years of testing, which is here to stay and improve technique. I am certain that Dr. Trivellini, with his brilliant innovative mind, will not stop here, and soon will be gracing us with something new and even more advanced.

Thank you, Roberto, for providing us with such an incredible device.

Learn how the Trivellini System has changed Dr. Parsa Mohebi's office
Dr. Parsa Mohebi

Trivellini System has completely changed my FUE hair transplant practice. Back when we didn’t have Trivellini System for FUE procedures, the graft qualities were good, but the entire procedure was more labor intensive. We had to spend more time in the surgery room and the patient was getting tired as we could not harvest as many grafts in one session. Now, we can get more grafts in a quicker time with a lower workload on our team. That helps the entire process to go by much faster. We can produce better quality grafts compared to what we did before.

I have used over ten different devices over the last few years. It may have involved switching between several machines to improve the quality of the grafts. With Trivellini, the solution is easy. You can quickly change the setting of the system to improve your graft quality. This is revolutionary in hair restoration. You don’t have to practice hair restoration for years to know how to extract quality grafts. It is spontaneous, and any doctor can get quality hair in any procedure. Complex extractions such as very curly hair, thick skin or fine hair are not a challenge any more. You just need to change the setting of the system to get quality grafts on a consistent basis.

Dr. Sara Salas
Dr. Sara Salas

I would say it changed the overall quality of the surgery. In terms of time, timing is so important in FUE procedures because the patient is laying down for many hours. Quality comes first, and speed comes second. Once I guarantee that I can give the best grafts to my patients, I can guarantee that my patients will have the best hair transplants. Speed is very important during a hair restoration. If we harvest the grafts and implant them quicker, we can expect better growth. The patient is spending a lot of time in the procedure room which could be exhausting. It is great if we can reduce the time of the procedure. That will have patients leave with a more pleasant experience. Trivellini System makes is easy for us to do any kind of case from a typical scalp to scalp FUE procedure, to body hair or long hair FUE.

I have started performing long hair FUE recently after I learned from Dr.Roberto Trivellini when I was at his clinic. Now we can offer our patients a new technique we did not have before. The ability to extract and implant hair follicular units without the need to shave the patient’s hair. I predict that more and more patients want to proceed with this method in the future. The Trivellini machine is the first and only machine that will allow us to perform FUE hair restoration with long hair. I really think that will continue to change my practice in a dramatic way since I now have more options to offer to my patient.